PKK Match Show

Pühapäeval, 30.08.2009 toimus heategevuslik Match Show, mille korraldas Pärnu KK. Saadud piletitulud läksid Pärnu Koerte Varjupaigale. Meie osalesime ka üritusel, sest tahtsime oma liigikaaslasi aidata ning oma võimeid proovile panna. Iron ja Merle olid ka kaasas. Kohapeal saime tuttavaks ka teiste tiibetlastega. Võisteldud, müratud ja mängitud sai üksjagu.

On Sunday, September 30th a Match Show, which was organized by Pärnu Dog Breeders Club, was held. It was a non-profit show for a benefit of dogs who live in Pärnu shelterhome. We participated with Mira in the show to help our classmates and also to train ourselves. Merle and Iron were also with us. There we met also other tibetans whom we played with. It was a very nice and joyful day.