News in 2009

NEW! 28.11.2009 updated Showresults

19.10.2009 updted Showresults

NEW! 19.10.2009 updated Cassandra gallery

NEW! 19.10.2009 updated Casimir gallery

20.09.2009 updated Cemidas Gallery

NEW! 19.09.2009 The Puppy Gathering

12.09.2009 updated Showresults in Poland

12.09.2009 updated Showresults

09.09.2009 updated Carmelita Gallery

09.09.2009 updated Casimir Gallery

 09.09.2009 updated Cemidas Gallery

 06.09.2009 updated Showresults

 06.09.2009 Camiros at Our Place Gallery

05.09.2009 updated Casimir Gallery

30.08.2009 updated Showresults "Match Show"

22.08.2009 updated Showresults "Baltic Winner 2009"

17.08.2009 updated Showresults

16.08.2009 updated Celena Gallery

16.08.2009 updated Cassandra Gallery

24.07.2009 updated Celena Gallery

21.07.2009 updated Chomolangma Gallery

21.07.2009 updated Cemidas Gallery

17.07.2009 updated Camiros Gallery

17.07.2009 Mira and Miros are playing Gallery

06.07.2009 Our Walk to the Sea Gallery

06.07.2009 updated Celena Gallery

06.07.2009 updated Cassandra Gallery

01.07.2009 updated Cemidas Gallery

30.06.2009 updated Carmelita Gallery

29.06.2009 The Summerday of Mastif Breed Club

21.06.2009 updated Carovika Gallery

21.06.2009 updated Chomolangma Gallery

14.06.2009 updated Camiros Gallery

12.06.2009 updated Cassandra Gallery

10.06.2009 Mira and Midas are playing Gallery


Gemma`s birthday

Gemma has a birthday on March 5th. She gets 5 years old.

Happy birthday, dear Gemma!


Gemma is the Best Do Khyi in 2008

Every year Do Khyi Breed Union will give out a price which is based on the showresults of the year. In 2008 Gemma was the most successful showdog and the Union gave her the title:

 "The Best Do Khyi of 2008"

 2. Our walk in the forest

3. Look at Hugo`gallery, new pictures are added


 Hugo`s birthday

On January 21st Hugo has a birthday. He gets 4 years old.

Happy birthday, dear Hugo!